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TASKS 26 MARCH/2 APRIL (tareas del 26 de Marzo al 2 de Abril) SOLUCIONES!

Hello everybody!!!!

Here are the tasks for these days (26 march-2 april): 

1. Do these exercises (puedes imprimir los ejercicios
o bien hacerlos en word en vuestro ordenador). Pondré las soluciones antes de que termine Semana Santa:  

Estos ejercicios son de repaso de la unidad 3: Our systems (pags 40/51): 

Exercises (word)

2. Watch this video and answer the questions in your notebook (ve este vídeo y contesta estas preguntas en tu cuaderno. Usa los subtítulos para responder a las preguntas): 


1. What is matter (materia)? 

Matter is everything around us: rocks, water, paper, pens....EVERYTHING IS MATTER and EVERYTHING IS MADE UP OF MATTER!!!

2. What is Volume?

Volume is the amount of space that something takes (volumen es el espacio que algo ocupa) 

3. What are the three states?

The three state are: SOLID, LIQUID AND GAS.


  1. De la 40 a la 51 o solo la 40 y la 51

    1. Hola! Es el tema 3 (pags de la 41 a la 51) dónde hay que echar un ojo si hay alguna para hacer los ejercicios. Es sólo repasar, porque el tema 3 ya lo dimos en clase

  2. hello, I am Nico. I liked the video, I did the experiments of the video. Good

    1. Well done Nico!!!!! See you very soon!!! Stay home, stay safe!!!


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In this unit will learn about how our body digests food. We will also learn about healthy and unhealthy, enjoy your meal! First, let´s check the digestive system:  Here is a mindmap by a 3ºA student:  Here is the mindmap of the excretory system by a 3ºA student:  Now play and practise the digestive and the excretory systems with this game:  Next, it is the types of nutrients that we eat everyday:  ...and here you can see another mindmap by one of our students:  Play and have fun with this game: Here is "the eatwell plate". Our diet needs to be balanced and healthy. This plate shows what should be in your plate:  ...and here the "Eatwell Plate" by Mister J from 3ºB: 

Unit 3: Our systems

Our bodies have a few systems to keep us alive: locomotor system, circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system and the reproductive system. We also see in the unit the five senses....get ready to learn about your body!!  Watch these videos about human body:  Here are the five senses and their organs:  Practise the five senses with this game:  Here is our locomotor system. It is made up by muscles, bones and joints.  Play and practise the locomotor system with this test:  This is the circulatory system, which is like a transport system and it carries nutrients and oxygen. The circulatory system is made up of the heart, blood and blood vessels.  Finally, we will see the Repiratory system which is made up of the nose, the trachea and the lungs (pulmones):  Play with this game and practise all the systems we have seen in this unit!:

Unit 2: Plants

Plants are living things...they are really important for us! In this unit, we are going to learn about plants and their parts.  Let´s start by the parts of the plants (empecemos por las partes de las plantas):  Check these two videos about plants` reproduction and nutrition (mira estos vídeos sobre la reproducción y nutrición de las plantas, usa los subtítulos si es necesario):    Here are the parts of the female and male flowers to undertand plants reproduction:  Now practise the parts of the flowers with this game:  Here is the parts of the flower by Ivanna:   This mindmap shows the types of plants:  ...and here we have a mindmap by Álvaro:  This is the Photosyntesis process according to Sofía: