Hello! These two weeks we are going to learn about mixtures (mezclas) and how to deal with waste (residuos): Aquí están las tareas que debes hacer en estas dos semanas. Esta vez, la ACTIVIDAD EVALUABLE se realiza en una sola entrega. El resto de actividades y tareas no hace falta que las mandéis, solo si vosotros queréis. First, check this vocabulary: 1. MIXTURES: heterogeneous and homogeneous. Subtances can be pure (one component: silver, water, sugar...) or a mixture (two or more components: sugar and water together). 1) Watch these short videos about mixtures and separating mixtures: 2) Read pages 84 and 85 from your Natural Science book. 3) Do this mindmap in your notebook (haz este esquema en tu cuaderno): 2. WASTE: how to reduce waste Waste is everything we put in the bin: paper, plastic, a glass bottle... 1) Watch this video about recylcling. 2) Read pages 88 an...