Hello! These two weeks we are going to learn about machines! There are machines all around us. They are useful and they need energy. Let´s get started! Aquí están las tareas que debes hacer en estas dos semanas. Esta vez, la ACTIVIDAD EVALUABLE se realiza en una sola entrega. El resto de actividades y tareas no hace falta que las mandéis, solo si vosotros queréis. First, check this vocabulary (page 113 Natural Book): 1. TYPES OF MACHINE AND ENERGY Machines help people and they can be simple and complex. Also, all machines need enegy to work (fuel, electricity, sun...). 1) Watch these short videos about machines and types of energy: 2) Read pages 96 and 97 from your Natural Science book. 3) Do this mindmap in your notebook (haz este esquema en tu cuaderno): 2. IMPORTANT INVENTIONS IN HISTORY Some inventions have been very important in history: the printing press an...